Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Joyeux Paques!

The Easter Bunny (AKA the Fed Ex guy...AKA my parents) brought many US goodies to put in the kid's Easter baskets. (Thanks sooo much Noni and Papa - you ALWAYS send the best stuff!) Madi was so excited about the thought of an Easter Bunny that she asked if he could put her to bed at night instead of me, and every morning since then when she wakes up she says, "I'm awake! It's time for my Easter!" Drew, on the other hand, is so strong and so fast that I couldn't even take a picture of him with his basket before it was completely torn apart :)
The best part of Easter morning had to be when we looked outside and saw snow, and a lot of it. We moved to Switzerland to enjoy a snowy winter for a change and ironically, we hadn't gotten any until Easter. I kept reading on blogs that there has been snow in TX, TN, AR but none in Lausanne....BIZARRE! Unfortunantely, the snow came and went all day and never really stuck, so I'm guessing we are out of luck this year :(

Views from our dining room window at 8am:

Same views 2 hours later - just as we were going out to do the snowman, snowangel thing...eerrr!

We spent the evening having a traditional french Easter dinner at our good friends and neighbor's house. Madi and her adorable BFF Theo danced, had an Easter egg hunt and ate a ridiculous amount of chocolate while Drew slept. Although we all had tons of fun, we of course missed our friends and fam back home! Happy Easter, we miss you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Drew!

1 year old!

He literally downed his B-day cupcake in one bite!

It's so hard believe that Drew is already one! Here are a few things about our little guy that we just love:

-He screams with excitement whenever Brad, Madi or I come into the room.
-He loves books but he likes to "read" them (turn pages) by himself. He's not crazy about being read to.
-Every time he wakes up he likes to snuggle for a least 5 minutes before he is ready to play.
-He loves peek-a-boo
-He likes to feed me, comb my hair, brush my teeth, etc.
-Whenever he gets hurt he will immediately stop crying if he can see out a window.
-He takes his shoes and socks off as soon as he gets in the car.
-He likes to turn things upside down, bang things on the ground and make a mess - (it drives our little clean bean -Madi-crazy!)
-He has a very contagious belly laugh
-He gives sweet kisses and hugs
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW! We love you so much!